Wednesday, March 24, 2010

post khas tuk zahin......setup RO server

1) ar..first skali ko gi site nieh pas2 ko kene dl....
  • eAthena SVN TXT ataupom SQL punye....
  • hexed client
  • full data
  • MySQL
  • MySQL server ngan GUI tools (dl nieh klu ko nk wat yg gne MySQL nye...dl dekat website MySQL)
  • rocp(ragnarok on9 control panel -  cr kt google - optional)
  • abyss web server (cr kt google - optional)

p/s ak rekemenkan ko dl eAthena TXT nye...bab senang sket ko nk klu ko nk yg SQL nye pom x pe....

2) install eAthena ko kt mane2 ak pom x kesah....haha tp sebaek-baeknye jgn kt desktop....

3) pastu bukak ar file eAthena tu...ape gi an....haha pas2 ko gi folder config pas2 ko bukak 2 file yg namenye char_athena.conf, and map_athena.conf. Edit pakai notepad je.....

-edit userid: s1 ngan user_pass: p1 utk Server Account(x ubah pom x pe sbb ko nk wat LAN je)
-buang tande komen "//" tuk login_ip:, char_ip: biokanje ip die sbb ko nk wat local je...klu ko nk wat on9 so tuka ar jd WAN ip ko.....
-pastu SAVE dan exit.

-Edit userid: s1 and user_pass: p1 pastikan same ngan dlm char_athena.conf.
-buang tande komen "//" tuk login_ip:, char_ip: biokanje ip die
-SAVE dan exit.

4) pegi  folder Conf, bukak grf-files.txt pas2 edit path die...wat path kt mane ko simpan folder ro....klu default die camnie --->  C:\Program Files\Gravity\RO\

5) ko da siap bhg kita gi bahagian client lak.....ko copy hexed client ngan full data masok lam folder ro ko.....pas2 bukak folder file name sclientinfo.xml....bukak dan edit kt bhg ip.....tuka jd local ip lg skali.....

6) pas2 bile nk men....ko run 3 file nie de lam folder eathena tu....

tuk eAthena SQL

1) ko follow je langkah 1 hingga 5

2) install MySQL

3)Install MySQL GUI Tools 5.0-r17. pastikan ko de MySQL Administrator ngan MySQL Query install sume je senang...haha

4) bukak MySQL Administrator. isikan Host Name, Username dan Password, yg len x yah....klu ko isi btol die akan jd camnih.....

Stored Connection: (bio kosong je)
Server Host: localhost
Username: root
Password: (password yg ko gne mase ko install MySQL...klu x de tinggalkan je)
Port: 3306

Click OK bile da siap.....
pegi ke User Administration pas2  klik New User...pas2 isi cam kt bwh:

MySQL User: ragnarok
Password: ragnarok
Confirm Password: ragnarok

bile da siap, klik Apply changes pas2 ley tutup MySQL Administrator.

5)bukak MySQL Query Browser pas2 isi cam kt bwh....

Stored Connection: (just leave it empty)
Server Host: localhost
Username: root
Password: (enter the password we created before for root)
Default Schema: ragnarok
Port: 3306

6)bile ko da masok MySQL Query Browser,klik atas ragnarok database.
-pas2 gi menu, klik File pas2 pilih Open Script...
-cari main.sql, sepatotnye ade lam sql-files lam folder eAthena......
-select main.sql pas2 klik Open.
-bile da open klik iko kale hijau (Execute) kt atas belah kanan. Ulang balek dengan mail.sql.
-bile ko da siap, ko kene wat log database pulak.... right-click je kt mane2 lam tavle tu pastu pilih Create New Schema.... pas2 taip "log".... pas2 klik OK.
-Double-click  log database, gi menu, klik File, pilih Open Script..., bukak logs.sql dan Execute macam main.sql td....
-double click ragnarok database....
-cari login table pas2 double click login table tu 2 kali.....
-pas2 klik Edit(ade kt bwh)......
-tuk userid: ngan user_pass:, masokkan yg cam lam char_athena.conf and map_athena.conf.
-bile da siap edit,klik  Apply Changes.....

NOTE: pastikan userid: ngan user_pass:mesti same lam login table, char_athena.conf ngan map_athena.conf.

7)dekat menu ko klick Tools pas2 mek MySQL Administrator
-pegi User Administration pas2 klik ragnarok user.
-pas2 pegi Schema Privileges .... pas2 klik 1 kali ragnarok database/schema...pas2 klik button nieh "<<" pastu klik Apply changes. ulang lg tuk log database/schema.

siap da ngan MySQL....pas2 run je 3 file yg ak sebot td tuk men game.....ko ley setup rocp tuk register da ko nk men local je...ak rase x perlu kot....juz bukak MySQL Query Browser....pas2 tambah acc kt ctu....haha...klu ko nk blaja setup rocp lain kali pulak ye....nieh pom ak x sure ko phm x aku tulis....ak x reti ngajo sbenarnye....hehe...nnt ak post screen shot skali...ko follow neyh luw...x phm tanye kt ym ti....


  1. wow!! sgt complicated..huhuhu..
    gle hebat mu adee..
    two thumbs up!! ^_^

  2. lol ko bace gak ke...bangge ak walopom ak x tulis mende ko setia komen....haha tq...mungken jd pembakar semangat ak jd blogger sejati...mungkin je la....hahaha
